
Network Deluge: 99 Stories on Cain Harassment Charges in Less Than Nine Days

In only eight and a half days, NBC, CBS and ABC have devoted a staggering 99 stories to sexual harassment charges against Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain. In comparison, eight days ...

CBS Reporter Recites Media Bias Critique on Cain Coverage

On Monday's Early Show, CBS's Jan Crawford spotlighted conservative criticism of the broad media coverage of the Herman Cain sexual harassment charges. Crawford stated that Cain's "testy exchange" ...

On NPR, 'Conservative' David Brooks Trashes Cain the 'TV Show' and Romney the Cold Fish

Brooks talking Herman Cain on NPR: "He was a TV show that lasted for a little while. Listen, let me stand up for elitist insiders. This is a job for professionals. Running for office is a job for ...

Defensive Networks Devote 84 Stories to Herman Cain Scandal, Hit Him for 'Lashing Out'

From Friday night through Sunday morning, the big three networks devoted an additional 21 reports to the Herman Cain sexual harassment story, bringing the networks' grand total to 84 in one week.

NYT Reporter: Harassment Claim Blame Falls Solely on Cain

So much for presumed innocent. Sam Roberts on Herman Cain's response to anonymous sexual harassment allegations: "But isn't the more fundamental question, that he has no one except himself to blame?"

Gingrich Schools NBC's Curry on Liberal Media Obsession with Cain Controversy

Appearing on Monday's NBC Today, Newt Gingrich took co-host Ann Curry to task for grilling him on allegations against Herman Cain: "...when the news media goes and finds an anonymous report about ...

Media Onslaught Continues: 63 Stories on Herman Cain in Just Over Four Days

The unrelenting network coverage of the Herman Cain sexual harassment story continued on Thursday and Friday with an additional 13 stories. That brings the total number of reports to a staggering ...

NBC's Lauer Spends Half of Interview Pestering Michele Bachmann About Herman Cain

In an interview with Michele Bachmann on Friday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer's first four questions pushed Bachmann to comment on the Herman Cain controversy: "As the only woman in this race, I ...

Herman's High-Tech Lynching

Herman Cain, like Clarence Thomas before him, is to be ruined by sex-harassment charges. This, from the same media that showed almost no interest in rape charges against Bill Clinton.

Networks Hit Cain Story 50 Times in Less Than Four Days; Ignored Clinton Scandals

Over a period of just three and a half days, NBC, CBS and ABC have developed an insatiable hunger for the Herman Cain sexual harassment story, devoting an incredible 50 stories to the allegations ...
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