
Oscar's Artistic, Foul Mouth

This year's Best Picture nominees were aesthetically excellent, but morally impaired.

Britney Spears, Anna Nicole Smith and those "Sociopathic" Republicans

Liberal celebrities can have their say. But it's also fair to remind Americans just what the limousine liberals are saying, and how the likes of ABC and CNN and other media seem to do all they can ...

CBS Focuses on Hollywood Money, but No Mention of Hollywood Values

What do Tinseltown activists expect of politicians in return for all that cash?

Walden's Big Idea

Walden Media has taken Hollywood by storm with its commitment to putting great literature on the big screen.

ABC Goes to Rehab

Pro-Life Actress Patricia Heaton's "Extreme Positions"

So Heaton is "extreme," but Sean Penn, Alec Baldwin, etc., aren't?

Hollywood's Four-Letter Word: GOD

Atheist activist Sam Harris recently proclaimed on National Public Radio that America needed a lot more mockery of religious belief.

ABC Blows Smoke at Audience on Tobacco-on-Film Study

Reporter Nauert left out any critique of study by anti-tobacco advocates who call for R-ratings

Bad Company II

Oscar-Nominated Movies Bash Business, but Hollywood Claims Thats Entertainment

Bad Company II: Executive Summary

Oscar-Nominated Movies Bash Business, but Hollywood Claims Thats Entertainment
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