
Columnists Who Blamed Conservative Media for 'Right-Wing' Killings Ignoring Fort Hood Massacre

An Army major espousing radical Islamic views has been charged with killing 13 at Fort Hood. But the Times' liberal columnists, so quick to blame Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck for previous ...

PC News: Networks Downplay Terrorism, Muslim Connection in Ft. Hood Attack

All three networks mention 'terror' only after Obama hints at ideology during funeral ceremony.

Blaming Conservative Media for Killings, Take Two

First Paul Krugman, now Judith Warner recites left-wing talking points accusing Limbaugh, Beck and Bill O'Reilly of "stoking the flames of violence."

Paul Krugman: Conservative Media Laying Ground for Next Terror Attack?

Paul Krugman lifts more left-wing talking points, defending the notorious Dept. of Homeland Security report that smeared conservatives as potential terrorists, and warning that Rush Limbaugh and ...
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