
'Early Show's' 'Clean and Green' Family Takes Extravagant Carbon-Curbing Measures

CBS showcases Florida family that reduced their carbon footprint by 90 percent, but didn't disclose their cost to do so.

CBS Plugs Radical Leftist Group's Plea for Housing Assistance

Reporter warns if foreclosed borrowers 'don't get some help, it will be the rest of the economy that needs it.'

USA Today Wants Government to Give Housing Help

Article suggests using taxpayer funds to assist homeowners who got in over their head with housing they can't afford.

Media Coverage Rated 'R' for 'Recession'

The media have predicted recession for four years. Will this be the year?

RealtyTrac Says Media Misrepresent Data

Company responds to criticism of foreclosure data and defends analysis.

Econ 101: The Problem with Bailouts

Bailing out a bum sector of the economy - with my money and yours - sends the message that people can do whatever they want without consequences. And that idea is how the mortgage problem started.

CNBC Reporter Reacts Negatively to Bush's Housing Proposal

Olick's tells viewers it's not enough help from the government.

CBS News Does an About-Face on Home Prices

Lower housing prices bad for the economy; 14 months earlier higher housing prices were also bad for the economy.

Liberal Economist Urges Government to Seize Private Homes

Property rights movement finds progressives are as big a threat as Supreme Court.

Experts Say Media Are Using Inflated Foreclosure Data

RealtyTrac, an organization that tracks foreclosures and is cited by many journalists, may still not be counting the number of foreclosures accurately.
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