
Econ 101: Do We Need a New Theory of Market Stability?

Newsweek editor argues against free markets, but evidence suggests regulation was to blame for economic collapse.

Dear NY Times: Let's Not Create Another Bubble

Rich's op-ed complains about the jobs mirage caused by the housing bubble, but fails to criticize the stimulus package for doing the same.

"Housing Slump" Not So Scary After All?

Slate magazine argues: "The NYT confidently headlines its lead, 'Housing Slump Pinches States in Pocketbook.' It's a shame, then, that we have to wait till the 29th paragraph to find out that 'it ...

'NewsHour' Still Insists on Bursting Housing Bubble

Despite Realtors' upbeat forecasts, PBS worries economy headed toward a 'crash.'

CBS Greeted Housing Value News with Slanted Story on Housing Bubble

Rival NBC's Anne Thompson, however, emphasized buyers' market, strong resale value on most homes.

In a Fight Between Realtors and the Media, Housing 'Bubble' Wins

NY Times brushes off media's impact but insists on bubble's presence.

NBC's Brown Blows Smoke on Housing Bubble

Home values still growing, just slower than before as housing market shifts into buyer's market.

Housing Bust: Just Kidding!

Some reports finally call housing market shift 'good news for buyers' after years of predicting a bubbly catastrophe ... but others stick with seller-centric 'nightmare.'

I Hate to Burst Your Bubble ...

But the housing market is cooling off just fine despite the summer heat.

Housing Bubble, What Housing Bubble?

CNN says Bernanke's comments about orderly decline in home sales are 'boring'.
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