
More NY Times Hypocrisy, Attacking Lauder for Using Tax Loopholes It Employs As Well

More hypocrisy at the Times, as the paper attacks wealthy heir Ronald Lauder for using tax avoidance strategies like trust funds, limited liability companies, and charitable giving, while the ...

More Times Hypocrisy, Attacking Lauder for Using Tax Loopholes It Itself Employs

More hypocrisy at the Times, as the paper attacks wealthy heir Ronald Lauder for using tax avoidance strategies like trust funds, limited liability companies, and charitable giving, while the ...

Privileged Thomas Friedman Calls for People to Work Less, Own Less in Name of the Planet

Thomas Friedman, who lives in a mansion, calls for people to own less: "We will realize, [environmentalist Paul Gilding] predicts, that the consumer-driven growth model is broken and we have to ...

Hypocrisy on Display: NYT Defends, Runs Photo of Ants-on-Crucifix Art, But Proudly Refused to Run Muhammad Cartoons

From London, critic Michael Kimmelman mocked conservative critics of the Smithsonian's sponsorship of an artist's clip showing ants crawling on a crucifix, a picture of which appears in the Times. ...

Paul Krugman Suddenly Remembers the Huge Deficit to Defend Tax Hike on the Wealthy

Krugman switches principles. After years of insisting Obama's deficits weren't a problem, he uses the issue as a hammer to viciously attack Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell's "extortion" - ...

More Flimflammery from Pompous Paul Krugman: No 'Ad Hominem' Attacks Here!

Krugman has an announcement for his credulous Times readers: Constantly (and embarrassingly) calling a serious conservative politician a "flimflam" man is not an ad hominem attack; accurately ...

NYT Editorial Page: First Amendment Protects Violent Video Games, Not Political Speech

The Times favors free expression in video games: "The Constitution, however, does not require speech to be ideal for it to be protected." But not in speech on issues of the day: "Congress must act ...

'South Park,' Muhammad, and Double Standards

The creators of the Comedy Central cartoon South Park had their lives threatened by a Muslim group for insulting the prophet Muhammad, but two Times headlines said they were merely being warned." ...

NYT's Zernike Slams 'Angry,' White, Male, Reactionary Tea Party Movement Mired in the Past

New York Times reporter Kate Zernike on the reactionary Tea Party movement: "They tend to be white and male, with a disproportionate number above 45, and above 65. Their memories are of a ...
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