Fretting over the Supreme Court upholding a portion of Arizona's immigration law, on Monday's NBC Nightly News correspondent Mike Taibbi declared: "[Leticia
Ramirez] and her husband have been in ...
Appearing on Monday's NBC Nightly News, chief White House
correspondent spun the Supreme Court's decision on Arizona's immigration
law as exactly what the Democrats wanted: "Well, in crass ...
During an interview with Senator Marco Rubio on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, host David Gregory hit the Florida Republican for his support of Mitt Romney, who "had to run hard to the right here on ...
In the hours immediately after the Obama administration announced it would not deport young illegal immigrants who met certain criteria, CNN invited on a parade of pro-Obama guests who applauded ...
The New York Times' coverage of Obama's amnesty announcement was typically loaded toward the side of illegal immigrants, and barely addressed conservative concerns about employment and the rule of ...
Every couple of years the Times runs a story on "conservative" evangelicals who support looser immigration laws and amnesty. The latest comes from Trip Gabriel: "Some of the nation’s most ...
Times reporter Campbell Robertson portrays an Alabama immigration law he dislikes as under siege, and finds "conservative" supporters but only "civil rights groups," not liberals, on the other ...
What Julia Preston reported in today's New York Times: "In Washington and around the
country, protests against Arizona were far more numerous than public
actions in support. Demonstrators in ...
New York Times reporter Julia Preston: "[Sen. Chuck] Schumer called the hearing as
a showcase for the Democrats’ opposition to the law, which has been
intensely unpopular among Latinos ...
Reporter Fernanda Santos sounds like an advocate for illegal immigrants: "The Supreme Court is set to hear arguments next week challenging the
most controversial sections of an Arizona ...