In Wake of IMF Chief's Rape Arrest, Journalists Tout France's 'Anita Hill Moment'

Yet another case study in how the liberal media never stop pushing their own interpretation of events: In a May 22 This Week roundtable about the arrest of IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn for the ...

Tea Party Movement Not Realizing U.S. is Bailing Out Greece, Says CNBC Host

Kernen wonders where the outrage is European IMF bailout; Santelli says desensitized to bailout culture.

Econ 101: The Problem with Greece

U.S. should control spending, learn from Greek's debt crisis before it's too late.

Santelli takes on Liberal Economist Reich on $1.1 Trillion for IMF

CNBC reporter debates former Clinton Labor Secretary on merits of government spending to 'reflate' collapsed credit market.

Government Bailout Profit a Myth, Says Merrill Lynch Economist

CNBC analyst cites IMF report and explains history of banking crises show they cost 13 percent of GDP.
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