In a segment on his PBS show Thursday night, Charlie Rose and his guests discussed President Obama’s executive order on illegal immigration and described the responses from those in the Republican ...
Following President Barack Obama’s speech announcing his executive order on illegal immigration, CNN political commentator and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich unloaded on the President, ...
Ahead of President Obama’s speech on immigration on Thursday night, the major broadcast networks all did their parts to push the arguments in favor of his executive amnesty ranging from a whole ...
On Wednesday's AC360, CNN's Dana Bash was hesitant to address
President Obama's past remarks on immigration reform, where he
repeatedly denied that he couldn't act alone – to the point that ...
The debate over Barack Obama's planned executive order on illegal immigration has continued to grow, but CBS is ignoring the President's glaring flip-flop, his repeated claims that he doesn't have ...
On Wednesday night, CBS and NBC promoted the White House talking point that previous presidential actions on immigration gives President Barack Obama the proper legal authority to enact executive ...
In a surprising twist, ABC's Good Morning America on Wednesday grilled Barack Obama for flip-flopping on whether he has the legal authority to issue an executive order on immigration. Before ...
Despite nearly 1400 words of space, New York Times writer Amy Chozick on Monday never used the "liberal" label in a story on possible 2016 Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton being hit from the ...
Instead of worrying whether President Obama’s planned Executive Order delivering amnesty to potentially millions of illegal immigrants might violate the Constitution, journalists upbraid the ...
Time magazine's Joe Klein used the September 22 issue to knock Barack Obama from the left, decrying the "cynical" Democrat for giving in to the "ugly," nativist opposition to immigration. Denying ...