
Dear Wash. Post: Spending and Trade Are Related

Samuelson counts the spending collapse and import reduction separately, but shouldn't.

Dear WSJ: Account Imbalances Didn't 'Cause' Recession

Real factors like monetary or fiscal policies are to blame.

Dear NY Times: Protectionism Isn't the Answer

Lower-cost competition comes from technological advances which alleviates poverty instead of creating it.

Dear NY Times: Shrinking Trade Deficit is Bad News

Fewer imports mean reduced investment in the U.S. economy.

"Strong Incentives to Comply" in Cuba Fridge Swap

What sort of "strong incentives" apply in a Communist dictatorship? Reporter Simon Romero doesn't ask, but does talk about the "free" health care and education in Cuba.

Trade Secrets

Lou Dobbs Tonight Hides Good News Behind Negative View of Free Market
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