
AARP Quest for Health Care 'Leverage' Doesn't Bother New York Times

Group's move toward health insurance is controversial, but reporter Robert Pear only talks with AARP execs and allies.

NY Times' 'Serious' Polling Problem Pushes National Health Care

Front-page story presents data supporting government-run health insurance, but excludes contrary findings.

Public Radio: Low Taxes = Sick Children

'Marketplace' segment furthers idea that higher taxes are needed.

ABC Puts Emotionally Involved Reporter on Hurricane Insurance Story

Dismissing industry facts, Robin Roberts admits her mother has a claim against one of the companies.

ABC Slams State Farm as 'Greedy' Neighbor for Suspending Policy Sales in Mississippi

Reporter Chris Cuomo ignored industry argument that 'groundless' lawsuit by the state's attorney general created a hostile business environment.

Health Care Face-Off

Media reveal preference for universal coverage in treatment of Schwarzenegger and Bush proposals.

CNN's Cho Gives One-Sided Look at Bush Health Plan

Merits of the tax-deduction plan are excluded as reporter turns to Democratic donor for analysis.

NBC's Williams Ignores Heavy Cost of $2.5-million 'Big Victory' for Katrina Victims

AP, NY Times report that case could encourage holdouts for hefty court rewards.

ABC Double-Doses Attack on Private Health Care

Biased coverage in favor of government health care continues on 'World News' while 'Nightline' turns critical eye on Wal-Mart clinics.
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