interestrates Credits Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac for 'Propping Up' Housing Market

Story claims housing sector 'would be in worse shape' without GSEs, omit potential $1 trillion cost to taxpayers.

CBS Features Left-Wing Activist Group in Rate Cut Coverage

'Evening News' highlights group tossing couches on Fannie Mae's lawn demanding a homeowner bailout.

Morning Shows: More Government to Help Economy?

Gas prices, jobs and stocks, oh my! Could another 'stimulus' be the answer?

Bartiromo Defends Bernanke On 'Meet the Press'

CNBC 'Closing Bell' host defends Federal Reserve chief; Blames problems on events before Bernanke's tenure.

Cramer: The Fed 'Wants a Recession'

CNBC 'Mad Money' host accuses Fed of 'punishing' public with gradual rate cuts.

CBS Disagrees with Fed, Presents Worries about 'Credit Crunch'

'Evening News' hints that the Federal Reserve's decision not to lower interest rates is making it harder to get a mortgage.
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