Public editor Margaret Sullivan criticized her paper's soft coverage of the Obama scandals in Benghazi and the Internal Revenue Service: "Many
on the right -- as noted last week in my blog posts ...
On Friday's All In show, MSNBC host Chris Hayes began by recounting the news of the "big, bad, scary" scandal of President' Obama's IRS targeting conservative groups, but also chided Republicans ...
Liberal MSNBC host Chris Matthews on Monday expressed "outrage" over the growing IRS scandal involving targeted audits of conservative groups. At the same time, he fretted that such a controversy ...
The revelation that the IRS was being used by liberals as a political weapon against conservative groups like the Tea Party makes NBC’s Dr. Nancy Snyderman’s 2009 call on the tax agency to ...
During a report on Monday's NBC Today about the Benghazi and
IRS scandals wracking the Obama administration, a headline on screen
wondered if they were the result of "Obama's Second Term ...
Good Morning America's Jon Karl on Monday exposed new details about the growing scandal involving the Internal Revenue Service targeting conservatives. The correspondent revealed, "I've obtained a ...
The Times deemphasized the IRS scandal to focus on how the GOP would try to use it for political advantage: "...Republicans fanned out on the
political talk shows on Sunday to express outrage ...
Evan Lehmann, reporter for Times-affiliated Climate Wire, throws out some red meat for the IRS: "The conservative nonprofit Americans for Prosperity unleashed a volley of ads aimed at Democrats in ...
Michael Luo tries again: "Problems with the I.R.S. could lead to tax penalties and revocation of tax-exempt status. But nonprofit groups engaging heavily in express advocacy could also run into ...
Michael Luo's wink-wink, nudge-nudge on the rush of campaign spending from corporations currently benefiting Republican issues and candidates: "It remains to be seen whether the I.R.S. or the ...