
Media Research Center

Mocking Prayer as 'Meaningless Platitudes' from 'Cowards,' Fearing 'Ugly Politics' of 'Islamophobia'

In the wake of the terror attack in San Bernadino, the media double down on Obama's anti-gun agenda and mock those who offer prayers as "cowards" hiding behind "meaningless platitudes," even as ...
Media Research Center

Larry Wilmore: ‘Muslim’ Is the New ‘Black,’ ‘Gay’

Colbert replacement builds straw men.
Media Research Center

Hollywood and Post-Boston 'Xenophobia'

A new movie takes on American "Islamophobia." All that matters to Hollywood is that they can parade their moral superiority over those who make them wealthy at the box office. 

Smearing America as "Islamophobic"

MRC Study: ABC, CBS and NBC Tilt Debate Over Ground Zero Mosque by Hyping Accusations of Public's Supposed Intolerance

Obama's Mosque Tolerance Threatens Vision of a 'White...Christian' America?

Sheryl Gay Stolberg read minds of opponents and implied racism and religious intolerance among Ground Zero Mosque opponents.
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