
John Broder Warns: The Climate Is Coming After Us

Reporter John Broder personalizes the weather to foster global warming alarmism: "The climate itself was not waiting for the outcome of the talks. An analysis of average global temperatures ...

Thomas Friedman Sides Against Inhofe, With Dick Cheney?

On CNN, aggressively "green" Friedman denounced Sen. James Inhofe as "flat-out stupid" and insisted he's a "Dick Cheney guy" when it comes to pre-empting the threat of global warming.

New Panic Hook: 'Coming Climate Catastrophe and Our Last Chance to Save Humanity'

Prepare for more panic talk about the end of the world as Dr. James Hansen, a leading global warming alarmist whose temperature data has come under question, launches a media tour for his new book ...

Global Warming Overshadowed: Media Give Massive Cap-and-Trade Tax Second Billing

Suppression of science and narrow passage of climate change legislation take back seat to celebrity deaths and health care.

Famed Hurricane Forecaster William Gray Rips AMS, NASA's Hansen

Expert criticizes American Meteorological Society for awarding global warming alarmist the organization's highest honor.

Former Hansen Supervisor Calls for the Global Warming Alarmist's Dismissal

Retired NASA atmospheric scientist John Theon tells ICCC that Hatch Act is grounds for media darling's firing.

Times Ignores Chief Climate Scientist's Scientific Stalinism

After devoting a long story to his upcoming testimony before Congress, the Times' print edition ignored climate scientist James Hansen's call for oil executives to be put on trial for "high crimes ...

NASA's Hansen Rails Against Coal At Fringe Left-Wing Event

'Climate Super Rally' strays from global warming into leftist anti-Bush, anti-Iraq war and anti-corporation event.
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