
Douglas Brinkley on CBS: President 'On A Roll' With ObamaCare Before 'Inconvenience' of Oil Spill

Discussing the Gulf oil spill on Saturday's CBS Evening News, liberal historian Douglas Brinkley fretted over President Obama's left-wing agenda being in jeopardy: "...he was on a roll with the ...

Nets Celebrate May Day Pro-Illegal Immigrant Protests, Barely Mention Shot Deputy

"Angry backlash from coast to coast," ABC's David Muir teased Saturday's World News, "huge rallies across this country tonight against that new controversial immigration law." On CBS, Jeff Glor ...

CBS 'Early Show' Hits Obama from Left on Offshore Drilling

Introducing a segment on Thursday's CBS Early Show about President Obama's decision to open up some new areas to offshore oil drilling, fill-in co-host Jeff Glor warned that some of Obama's ...

CBS: 'Rolex' Swiss Health Care System a 'Model for America'

On Saturday's CBS Evening News, anchor Jeff Glor teased an upcoming story on Switzerland's health care system by wondering: "Could Switzerland's health care be a model for America?" He later ...

CBS Frets Obama Must Work and So Can't 'Recharge His Batteries' During Hawaii Vacation

The failures that allowed the unsuccessful Christmas Day terrorist attack have marred President Barack Obama's relaxation schedule in Hawaii, CBS's Jeff Glor and Chip Reid regretted Thursday night ...

In Touting 'Climate Justice' Protesters, Networks Oblivious to Communist Participation

Network journalists who were quick to see racists amongst the "tea party" protesters were oblivious on Saturday to communists in the "climate justice" march in Copenhagen whose cause they ...

CBS Early Show Praises Teen Global Warming Activist

On Wednesday's CBS Early Show, correspondent Daniel Sieberg reported on a young global warming activist from California: "...everyday citizens of all ages are doing their part to raise awareness ...

Nets Disparage Protests: Getting 'Ugly' and 'Unruly,' Scold Limbaugh But Skip Pelosi

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts in near-unison on Friday night disparaged the anti-ObamaCare protests at town meetings as "unruly," "nasty" and "getting ugly," while CBS and NBC targeted ...

CBS Early Show Praises Obama's 'Sermon-like' NAACP Speech

On Friday's CBS Early Show, correspondent Randall Pinkston described President Obama's Thursday address to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People: "The crowd responded to ...

CBS Airs 'Reality Check' on Obama's False Claim Health Plan 'Deficit Neutral'

Reality catches up with CBS News which on Tuesday night ran a "Reality Check" story on how a new CBO report shows President Obama's claim that his government-expansion health care plan won't hike ...
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