
Jim Cramer Admits the Obvious: Obama's Policies Not Working

CNBC's Jim Cramer appeared on Wednesday's Today show and pretty much admitted the obvious to Meredith Vieira, that all of Barack Obama's policies geared to help hiring are "not working." On to ...

CNBC's Cramer and Burnett Wonder if BP and Obama Could Have Handled Spill Better

'Mad Money' host says White House has other levers of power to use against BP; points out from exploration standpoint oil is 'greatest find of all time.'

Cramer: Health Care Passage 'Will Topple the Stock Market'

'Mad Money' host predicts health care passage will embolden Congress and White House to pass amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Cramer Declares Tax Avoidance within Code a 'Patriotic Duty'

'Mad Money' host debunks liberal misnomer that paying more taxes is 'patriotic' on a legal basis.

CNBC's Jim Cramer Challenges 'Infuriating' Pessimistic Media 'Bias'

'Mad Money' host argues the ticker tells a different story than what is being told in the news media about the economy.

Cramer React to Speech: Notes Nat Gas Ignored by Obama; Defends Geithner

CNBC 'Mad Money' host calls President's nuclear overtures 'boilerplate,' insists embattled treasury secretary not a 'joker.'

Networks Fail to Criticize Obama Despite Most Jobs Lost in a Year Since 1940

Reporters omit failure of stimulus, problems counting jobs created or saved from many jobs stories.

Greenspan, Cramer Argue Government 'Agenda' Inhibiting Economic Recovery

'Meet the Press' panelists make case Congress is creating uncertainty for private sector and preventing U.S. economy from expanding.

Cramer Likens Bonus Outrage to Lenin in 1917: 'It's Really about Stringing Up Guys'

Wall Street complaints sparked by Dow 10K similar to what brought communist leader to power 'Mad Money' host explains.

The Media Depression that Wasn't (Even Close)

How the networks conjured 'Hoovervilles' and breadlines to sell Obama's spending.
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