10/20/2011 3:23 PM ET
Marxism abounds at Wall Street protests, but ABC, CBS and NBC barely mention call for anti-capitalist revolt.
10/7/2011 3:45 PM ET
September shows job gains, unchanged 9.1% unemployment rate
9/29/2011 12:11 PM ET
Network evening shows talk about employment woes, but rarely mention 9.1 percent figure.
9/21/2011 12:59 PM ET
ABC, CBS and NBC all report on scandal surrounding failed solar company, but refuse to criticize the loan program it utilized.
8/22/2011 1:25 PM ET
Criticism excluded from 92 percent of network news reports, despite bankruptcies of federally subsidized companies.
7/8/2011 12:56 PM ET
CNBC reacts to fewest jobs added in 8 months, actual data 'well below expectations.'
6/9/2011 7:53 PM ET
Time for media, Obama and Congress to wake up and smell the gloom and doom.
6/6/2011 8:21 PM ET
ABC's Jake Tapper notices president's 'non-acknowledgment' of June 3 jobs report.
5/6/2011 1:50 PM ET
Despite 244,000 jobs gained in April, national unemployment rate has been higher than promised since February 2009.
3/29/2011 8:55 AM ET
Just in time for Holy Week, cable network dramatizes worst of the Church history.