John Walsh

Media Research Center

NBC Covers UNC Academic Fraud Scandal, Yet Skipped Academically Fraudulent Democratic Senator

Throughout the entire plagiarism scandal involving Democratic Senator John Walsh (Mont.), the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC have combined for only one story in the form of a news brief ...
Media Research Center

Liberals Behaving Badly: Political Scandals the Networks Are Hiding from You

The indictment case against Republican Governor Rick Perry, that even liberals have described as “weak,” is just the latest GOP controversy that the networks have jumped on to taint Republicans in ...
Media Research Center

What John Walsh Plagiarism Fiasco?

Newly appointed Sen. John Walsh announced he would not run for his seat in November after The New York Times exposed his academic fraud. Network coverage? Next to zero.
Media Research Center

Networks Avoid Scandal-Plagued Democratic Senator Exiting the Race

During their Thursday evening and Friday morning newscasts, ABC, CBS and NBC all failed to report news that a scandal-plagued Democratic U.S. Senator from Montana dropped his campaign for a full ...
Media Research Center

ABC, NBC Ignore Montana Democrat Accused of Plagiarizing Masters Thesis

On Thursday, July 24, the New York Times revealed that Senator John Walsh (D-Mont.) plagiarized his Master’s thesis from the United States Army College and that at least 25 percent of ...
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