
Israel-Iran Tension Causing Oil Price Surge, CNBC Analyst Says

John Kilduff says early spike in oil stems from Israeli Transport Minister calling attack on Iran's nuclear facilities 'unavoidable.'

'Squawk Box' Guest Warns of $12-15-a-Gallon Gas

Robert Hirsch, an energy advisor, says CNBC morning show prediction was a citation of the 'Dean of Oil Analysts.'

Economist: Treat Alternative Energy Development 'Like It's World War II'

Dr. Stephen Leeb says need for alternative energy action will to require '50 or 100 Manhattan Projects' and 'trillions of dollars.'

NBC Off by $70 on Expert's View about $200-a-Barrel Oil

Tom Costello reports record-high predictions don't 'surprise' analyst John Kilduff, although Kilduff says oil will top out in the $130s.

Golodryga: 'President May Be in the Dark about the Price of Gasoline'

'Good Morning America' report offers anecdotes about food inflation, but falls short of reporting what has caused the spike.

NBC Prediction of $4 Gas Falls Way Short

'Street Signs' anchor Burnett's warned of price spike that never materialized.
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