
Financial Times Endorses Obama Despite Economic Proposals

International business newspaper gives Democratic candidate high marks on judgment, health care.

Media Downplay Any Talk of 'Socialism'

Obama's old radio comments make discussion a key election issue, if journalists will actually ask the questions.

McCain Attacks on "Obama's Patriotism" Making "Old Advisers Wince"

David Kirkpatrick on McCain: "His campaign has pelted his rival with attacks that make some of his old advisers wince, like questioning Mr. Obama's patriotism or tying him to 'a domestic terrorist.'"

McCain's Hispanic Appeal "Burdened by Nativist Elements" in GOP

Reporter Larry Rohter uses a National Council of La Raza spokeswoman to bolster his thesis - the same spokeswoman who this year called for a "hate speech" ban on Sean Hannity and Lou Dobbs for ...

Would You Hire Them? On A Bet?

Media don't ask which candidate has leadership experience to head a nation?

Media Defend Obama Against 'Socialism' Charge

Broadcast and cable pundits decry socialist labeling of candidate's tax proposal, yet haven't offered alternative definitions.

It's Not the Economy; It's the Media's Economic Agenda

New special report shows how journalists turn major issues of the day to the left.

Maddow Claims Obama 'Socialist' Label is 'Racially Divisive'

Liberal MSNBC host says McCain-Palin critique of wealth redistribution tax plan an effort to 'summon and stoke' the Bradley Effect.

McCain Hypocritically Goes After Obama's "Spread the Wealth" Gaffe

Reporter Michael Cooper, still protecting Barack Obama's left flank on taxes.

ABC Cites Left-Leaning Tax Group to Endorse Obama's Plan

'World News' segment praises Democrat's proposal focused on lower and middle class families, but ignores wealth redistribution elements.
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