
NY Times Science Writer Blasts 'Smug Groupthink' Among Climategate Scientists

Unpredictable New York Times science columnist John Tierney reads the hacked Climate-gate emails and finds "smug groupthink" and revenge plots "against those who question the dangers of global ...

Times Science Writer Blasts 'Smug Groupthink' Among Climategate Scientists

Unpredictable science columnist John Tierney reads the hacked Climate-gate emails and finds "smug groupthink" and revenge plots "against those who question the dangers of global warming."

Times Science Writer Flouts Media Wisdom on Life Expectancy, Socialized Medicine

Science writer John Tierney finds other reasons besides lack of socialized medicine for America's low life expectancy compared to Europe: We used to smoke a lot more, for one.

Who Has a Better Sense of Humor, Obama or McCain Supporters?

And the winner is...

Shock: NYT Writer Takes on the Sainted Rachel Carson and "Silent Spring"

Science writer John Tierney: "Ms. Carson used dubious statistics and anecdotes (like the improbable story of a woman who instantly developed cancer after spraying her basement with DDT) to warn of ...
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