Good Morning America's Jon Karl on Tuesday derided the incoming Republican Speaker of the House as "harshly partisan." The ABC correspondent joked that John Boehner can look "like the weeper of ...
Viewers who watched the three morning shows on Friday were greeted with a less than enthusiastic review of Harry Reid's debate performance. On Good Morning America, Jon Karl announced, "Reid often ...
Good Morning America on Monday highlighted the "admission" by Tea Party backed candidate Joe Miller that he opposes the federal minimum wage. Reporter Jon Karl breathlessly related, "In an ...
According to Good Morning America's Jon Karl, Christine O'Donnell's 1999 comments about dabbling in witchcraft are "infamous." The ABC political correspondent used the strong language, Wednesday, ...
A day after highlighting Sarah Palin's political "losing streak," Good Morning America's Jon Karl on Wednesday acknowledged the stunning turn in Alaska's senatorial primary race: "But Joe Miller ...
Good Morning America's Jon Karl on Tuesday characterized a Republican senatorial candidate in Alaska as a "hard-line, Tea Party conservative" and someone who "has also been known to attract ...
Good Morning America's Jon Karl on Tuesday highlighted a new report by two Republican senators on extreme examples of waste in the stimulus bill. Karl rattled off some eye catching data: "$71,000 ...
Good Morning America continued its post-health care victory lap for the late Ted Kennedy on Tuesday. An ABC graphic enthused, "The Lion's Legacy: Kennedy's Widow on Health Care." Reporter Jon Karl ...