
Media Research Center

Comfort the Afflicted

Media Research Center

Emails Show Coziness Between Reporter and Climate Scientist

FOIA reveals St. Louis Post-Dispatch environmental writer ‘sympathetic’ to alarmism, doesn’t want to let skeptics ‘stand unchallenged.’
Media Research Center

Colbert's Campus Coddlers

Parents are now paying tens of thousands of dollars to colleges each year for their children to skateboard around boring old Aristotle and Locke and to study smirking liberal TV wise-crackers.

Top Journalists that Serve on Soros-Funded Boards of Directors or Advisers

From Christiane Amanpour at ABC to Jill Abramson at New York Times, billionaire has influence on prominent people in media.

George Soros: Media Mogul

Lefty Businessman Spends Millions Funding Journalism

George Soros: Media Mogul: Executive Summary

Lefty Businessman Spends Millions Funding Journalism

Soros Spends Over $48 Million Funding Media Organizations

Investigative journalism, industry associations, even ombudsmen group backed by left-wing donor.

Media Can't Decide Whether Espionage is Journalism

Clueless journalists seem more concerned about own careers than America's best interests.

Character Assassination Nation, Brought to You by Obama and Co.

Journalists part of the triangulation that targets right-wing leaders.

Overwhelmingly White Media Criticize Conservative Rallies as 'Overwhelmingly White'

Notoriously minority-deficient media criticize Tea Parties, other conservative gatherings for lack of diversity.
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