
Media Research Center

NYT's Hulse Accused of 'Regurgitation of Senate Democrats' One-Sided Talking Points'

Ed Whelan at National Review didn't care for Times congressional reporter Carl Hulse's front-page report on the successful Republican filibuster of Obama nominee Caitlin Halligan’s ...

Miss America Contestant Tepid about Occupy Wall Street, Loses Competition

Miss New York gives mild support for OWS, judges award her runner up

Where's the Outrage at 'X-Factor' Flasher?

Reality singing competition subjects millions to man's exposed genitalia; to media, there's no news.

NYT Shows Sudden Concern for Partisan Judges After GOP-Appointed Judge Rules Against Obama-Care

After downplaying partisanship of federal judges in rulings involving immigration and gay marriage, the Times plays up the fact that an anti-Obama-care ruling was done by a Republican-appointed ...

False "Moderation" from Legal Reporter Neil Lewis

With the first judicial pick of the Obama administration, the Times carries on its tradition of calling liberal judges (like Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg) "moderate."

Neil Lewis's Reporting on Court Packed With Bias

Neil Lewis's latest slanted story on "conservative" judges vs. Obama's non-ideological ones: Conservatives want to "roll back affirmative action" and are "restrictive of abortion rights" and "less ...

Judges Throw Up Roadblocks as Communities Struggle to Enforce Laws Against Illegal Immigrants - and the Media Fail to Tell the Story

Networks, press largely ignore that courts are frustrating small town efforts to address illegal immigration.

Washington Post Ignores Qualifications to Paint Picture of Judicial Cronyism

Immigration judge has extensive legal background, but you wouldn't know it.

Judges vs. the FCC

Judges vs. the FCC

The federal judges who ruled against the FCC suggested the agency's rulings were arbitrary and capricious. But is there anything more arbitrary and capricious than an egotistical celebrity ...
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