
NYT Highlights the Plight of State Cuts to the Arts: Say Goodbye to the Largest Ball of Twine Replica

New York Times writer Robin Pogrebin on Tuesday highlighted cuts to arts funding by the states and the negative effect it will have on replicas of the largest ball of twine. The headline blared, ...

Conservative Takeover of Kansas Is Imminent, Warns the Son of the Times' Publisher

"Moderate" Republicans fear the takeover of conservatives in Kansas, suggests the scion of the Times publisher, also the paper's bureau chief in Kansas City, in a story crammed with extraneous ...

Times Doesn't Recognize Hateful Protestors at Tiller's Funeral

Does the Times consider the viciously anti-gay protestors of Westboro Baptist Church (who have picketed the funerals of U.S. soldiers) part of the pro-life movement?

Obama's Not in Kansas Anymore - And Never Was

Alessandra Stanley noted praise of "Obama's hardscrabble Kansas roots," but Obama had never even been to his grandfather's hometown in Kansas until this year.

The Religious Right Is Dead Again

David Kirkpatrick explains it all in an 8,000 word cover story for the magazine.
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