
Eliot 'I'm Not Biased' Spitzer: 'I Don't Think There Is Any Such Thing as Objectivity'

In an interview with FishbowlNY Wednesday, CNN's Eliot Spitzer dismissed any claim to objectivity in his reporting and wouldn't say whether he regarded himself as a commentator or a journalist. ...

Parker Defends Rep. Cohen: He Wasn't 'Necessarily' Comparing GOP to Nazis

On Thursday's Parker-Spitzer, CNN's Kathleen Parker acted as an apologist for Rep. Steve Cohen's uncivil comparison between Republicans and Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels: "He was talking about ...

CNN's Toobin: President Obama is 'Against Gun Control'

CNN's Jeffrey Toobin falsely claimed on Tuesday's Parker-Spitzer that Barack Obama is "against gun control." Toobin also seemed to lament that the conservative position on the Second Amendment has ...

CNN's Spitzer: Tea Party 'One of the Most Vapid, Puerile Groups Out There'

On Thursday's Parker-Spitzer, CNN's Eliot Spitzer lashed out at President Obama from the left, going so far as to accuse him of forfeiting his campaign promises, simultaneously attacking the Tea ...

CNN's Kathleen Parker: Nancy Pelosi is the Democrats' 'Mama Grizzly'

Kathleen Parker, CNN's resident pseudo-conservative, gushed over House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday's Parker-Spitzer, trumpeting how the San Francisco liberal stood amongst her fellow ...

CNN's Spitzer: 'Every One of Us is Being Held Hostage' By Senate GOP

CNN's Eliot Spitzer blasted Senate Republicans on Wednesday's Parker-Spitzer for their promise to hold up legislation unless the current tax rates are extended: "Every one of us...[is] being held ...

Kathleen Parker Falsely Claims Alexander Hamilton was an Illegal Immigrant

On Thursday's Parker-Spitzer, CNN's Kathleen Parker bizarrely and inaccurately claimed that Alexander Hamilton came to the United States illegally and drafted the Constitution: "Let's remember...a ...

CNN: Conservative Guests are 'Controversial;' No Labels for Liberals

CNN, whose new ad claims that they "keep them all honest, without playing favorites," actually played favorites on Monday's Parker-Spitzer. Hosts Kathleen Parker and Eliot Spitzer failed to give ...

CNN's Parker-Spitzer Endorse Matt Taibbi's Anti-Tea Party Attack: 'Chasing Mexicans on Medicaid'

CNN's Kathleen Parker and Eliot Spitzer endorsed Matt Taibbi's bashing of conservatives on their Monday program. Spitzer marveled over the Rolling Stone editor's "brilliant" label of the Tea Party ...

Viguerie: CNN Needs More Conservatives; Parker-Spitzer Brings on Libs

Conservative Richard Viguerie brought his criticism of CNN's "left-of-center" bent on Thursday's Parker-Spitzer, and recommended that the network bring on more "articulate conservatives." The two ...
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