
Dobbs Bashes Pro-Growth Katrina Rebuilding Policies

CNN business anchor uses race in wrongheaded criticism of administrations efforts to help workers.

Network Images Pump Up Gas Prices

Medias Scare Tax of 75 cents per gallon is four times higher than federal burden of 18.4 cents.

U.S. vs. Oil Refiners: Are Profits Justified?

Washington Post pits motorists against profit-guzzler oil companies.

Times Claims Climate of Secrecy Adds to Medical Costs

Collusion between doctors and manufacturers blamed, but paper leaves out standard realities of the marketplace.

The Picture of Hype

Networks show exaggerated video of highest gas prices, hyping daily increases but glossing over the recent steady decline.

A Flood of Incomplete Insurance Coverage

As the media point out that hurricane victims insurance coverage is lacking, news coverage also lacks some key points.

Lou Dobbs Lobbies for Unions to Bring Home the Bacon

CNN bashes big business with union spokesman, ignoring the truth about wages and workers in the Katrina reconstruction.

Why Not Global Warming?

Plenty of experts have said theres no evidence global warming caused Katrina, but the media continue to ask the same question.

Cartoon Pyramids, Computer Games and School Lunches

Media continue push for government intervention to make kids eat healthier.
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