
Media Research Center

NYT Hypes 'Nonpartisan' Report on Torture Under Bush -- From 'Ardent Democrat' Who Avoided His Inaugural

A "nonpartisan, independent review" by the Constitution Project aims to prove that the United States tortured detainees in the war on terror after 9/11, and the Times' Scott Shane gives them a ...
Media Research Center

NY Times Finally Sends Reporter to Gosnell Infanticide Trial, Cites 'Experts' Denying Cover-Up

Under pressure, the Times' Trip Gabriel did indeed file from Philadelphia on the infanticide trial of abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell. But Gabriel penned less than three paragraphs from what ...

NYT's Lead Story Foresees 'Egg-on-the-Face Moment' for Conservatives if Gun Bill Gains Support

The Times hypes prospects for Obama's gun control: "...eking out the first 60 votes would represent momentum for the bill’s supporters in the Senate, and an egg-on-the-face moment for those ...
Media Research Center

Hugo Chavez Loved Baseball and the South Bronx, NY Times Gushes

Propaganda for the late left-wing strongman of Venezuela Hugo Chavez keeps popping up in strange places in the New York Times. Reporter Frances Robles took a trip down leftist memory lane with ...
Media Research Center

AP Pays Tribute to 'Master Communicator' and 'Fine Baseball Player' Hugo Chavez

Frank Bajak of the AP lionized Venezuelan autocrat and "fighter" Hugo Chavez minutes after his death on Tuesday, playing up in the second sentence of his item how the "former paratroop commander ...
Media Research Center

Bill Plante: Obama-Tiger Woods Photo Would Have Been GOP 'Propaganda'; Boosted Obama Skeet Shooting Pic

The irony must have been lost on Bill Plante when he reported on Monday's CBS This Morning that President Obama "did golf with Tiger [Woods], but we didn't see a picture of it. They [the Obama ...
Media Research Center

Sunday New York Times Full of 'Far Right' Labels for Congressional Republicans

From Sunday's New York Times. Jeff Zeleny: "The biggest donors in the Republican Party are financing a new group to recruit seasoned candidates and protect Senate incumbents from challenges ...
Media Research Center

CBS: 'Most Conservative' DeMint Backed 'Far-Right' Republicans; Fails to Label Liberal Colbert

Nancy Cordes couldn't have made outgoing Senator Jim DeMint's conservative credentials clearer on Friday's CBS This Morning, labeling the South Carolina Republican "one of the most conservative ...
Media Research Center

NYT: Democrats Have Portrayed Romney as 'Ultraconservative, Unfeeling Capitalist'...and So Has the NYT

Not just Democrats, but the Times itself: "Aides scouring the results of focus groups and national polls found that undecided voters watching the presidential debate in Denver seemed startled ...
Media Research Center

CBS Applies Multiple Ideological Tags to Ted Cruz But Refuses to Label Gore Vidal

“A conservative Republican was beaten by an even more conservative Tea Party candidate,” CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley announced Wednesday night in reporting Ted Cruz’s victory in ...
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