
The 'Conservative Bent' of Justice John Paul Stevens

Liberal Justice John Paul Stevens, friend of humanity: "He has been alert to the humanity of the people whose cases made their way to the court." In a series of articles on Stevens' retirement, ...

Disgraced NY Gov. Eliot Spitzer on 'Road to Redemption'

Just don't call the former prostitution ring client a Democrat, OK?

NYT Promotes Leftist Whining of 'Rights' Groups 'Harassed' and Repressed by 'Ultra-Zionists' in Israel

More anti-Israel double standards: Reporter Isabel Kershner's sympathetic story about unlabeled leftwing "rights" groups allegedly being "harassed" by conservatives, the Israeli government and an ...

Times Minds Agree: Liberal Sen. Blanche Lincoln Is Actually 'Conservative'

John Harwood and Jeff Zeleny agree that Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas is a "conservative," though her American Conservative Union rating is a safely left-of-center 19 out of a ...

The Times Militia Reporting Promotes Favorite Lefties at Southern Poverty Law Center

A would-be domestic terrorist group in Michigan sends the Times running for quotes from the unlabeled left-wingers at Southern Poverty Law Center, who see right-wing extremists just about ...

Thank Goodness: Obama-care 'Will Lower the Costs of Being a Woman'

The Times' Denise Grady cribs from a feminist group to accuse health insurance companies of sex discrimination, something that will be cured under Obama-care: "Being a woman is no longer a ...

NYT Ties Apocalyptic Domestic Terror Group to Threats to Dem Lawmakers

No connection, but we'll bring it up anyway: "A law enforcement official said the plot appeared to be unconnected to recent threats against Democratic lawmakers who voted for legislation ...

'Almost Everyone Will Benefit from New Regulations,' Claims Front-Page News Story on Obama-Care

Pro-Obama-care opinionizing on the front page from reporter Tara Siegel Bernard: "But there is no question that the legislation should benefit consumers in various ways."

Al Franken, 'Moderate'? Even the Times' Public Editor Sees Something Awry

Times Public Editor Clark Hoyt devotes a rare column to labeling bias suggesting conservatives have legitimate complaints with the paper's "conservative" (and "neoconservative") labeling habits.

State Autonomy Over Education Policy Dismissed as 'Patchwork,' 'Checkerboard'

A front-page story by Sam Dillon pushes uniform standards for pubilc schools nationwide, and buries the ideological edge of the issue: Conservative opposition.
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