
How Nice: Justice Sotomayor 'Alert to the Humanity' of People in Her Opinions

Liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor "has displayed a quality - call it what you will - that is alert to the humanity of the people whose cases make their way to the Supreme Court," says Supreme Court ...

The Times Sets the 2011 Congressional Table With Typical Pro-Dem Slant

Reporters Jackie Calmes and David Herszenhorn let their dislike of tax cuts show: "Republican leaders also made the rounds of the Sunday talk shows to support keeping the rates low for all ...

An Extremely Slanted Piece on Oklahoma's Strike Against 'Shariah' Law

James McKinley Jr.'s hostile, slanted story on a pre-emptive strike by "archconservatives" and "right-wing Republican lawmakers" against shariah law in Oklahoma brought up faulty arguments against ...

NY Times: 'In a Poignant Twist,' Heroic 'Maverick' 'Independent' Russ Feingold Loses in Wisconsin

New York Times reporter Katharine Seelye implausibly celebrates liberal Senator Russ Feingold as a fierce "maverick" independent: "...a liberal with a fierce streak of independence who crusaded ...

'In a Poignant Twist,' Heroic 'Maverick' 'Independent' Russ Feingold Loses in Wisconsin

Reporter Katharine Seelye implausibly celebrates liberal Senator Russ Feingold as a fierce "maverick" independent: " ...a liberal with a fierce streak of independence who crusaded against the ...

State-by-State Slant: Wyoming, Utah Both Shifted 'Even Further to the Right'

In the paper's 2010 state-by-state rundown of election results, "conservative" labels topped "liberal" ones by a margin of 25-2, including identical descriptions by two different reporters of two ...

Carl Hulse on GOP Candidates With 'a Very Conservative if Not Extreme Agenda'

Congressional reporter Carl Hulse has some chuckles at the expense of "extreme" Republican candidates: I thought what [the Times pollster] said was interesting about voters being willing to vote ...

Conservative Takeover of Kansas Is Imminent, Warns the Son of the Times' Publisher

"Moderate" Republicans fear the takeover of conservatives in Kansas, suggests the scion of the Times publisher, also the paper's bureau chief in Kansas City, in a story crammed with extraneous ...

NYT's Zernike, Aided by Politicized NAACP Report, Again Ventures Out to Find Tea Party Racism

"The nation's oldest and largest civil rights organization" teamed up with an unlabeled left-wing group to accuse the Tea Party of racism two weeks before an election, and the New York Times' Tea ...

Zernike, Aided by Politicized NAACP Report, Again Ventures Out to Find Tea Party Racism

"The nation's oldest and largest civil rights organization" teamed up with an unlabeled left-wing group to accuse the Tea Party of racism two weeks before an election, and the Times' Tea ...
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