
Media Research Center

Don't Know the Party of a Politician Caught in a Scandal? He's Probably a Democrat

Within the span of 40 seconds, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams reported on two politicians caught in scandals, one a Republican the other a Democrat, but he gave the party affiliation ...

ABC and CBS Call the Food Police for 'Misleading Labels'

Network morning shows rely on same liberal old group for answers.

"Merciless" Criticism from a Republican Congressional Wunderkind and "Attack Dog"

Michael Luo profiles Republican Congressman Adam Putnam and his "merciless" criticism and "attack dog" tactics.

Extreme Conservatives vs. Unlabeled Liberals

MRC Study: Six Times More "Conservative" than "Liberal" Labels on Network News Since Election Day

TV: Take the Fair and Balanced Challenge

In Boston, Networks Avoided Labels, Social Issues, Anti-Kerry Vets, Quibbles on Facts or Policy Ideas

Little Words, Big Impact

Burying the Liberal Label on Network News

MRC Study: On Evening News Broadcasts, Conservative Tag Used Four Times More than Liberal Label
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