Larry Rohter

Media Research Center

NY Times Greets New Pope With Abortion, Gay Marriage, and the 'Dirty War'

The paper's front-page profile of the new pope quickly turned the talk back to the concerns of liberal Manhattan journalists: "But Cardinal Bergoglio is also a conventional choice, a theological ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Rohter Finds Parallel Between Tea Party and Chilean Dictator Gen. Pinochet

Larry Rohter sees a parallel between Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet and the Tea Party-Koch brothers: "In Chile the debate about 'No' has also been complicated by noncinematic issues, ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Trip Gabriel Accuses GOP of Out-of-Context 'Misrepresentation' of Obama's 'You Didn't Build That'

The Times' Trip Gabriel accuses GOP of "misrepresentation" of Obama's infamous "You didn't build that" remark: "The story vaulted from local news to the Drudge Report and conservative blogs, ...
Media Research Center

Occupy Movement All Over the Sunday NYTimes, from Three-Kid Summer Camp to Police at the Pool

Sunday's New York Times celebrated the left-wing Occupy movement in four separate stories, including this peculiar compliment to the police from Ginia Bellafante: "In the era of stop-and-frisk ...
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