
Larry King: Put the Bankers in Straitjackets

CNN's Larry King equated efforts against further regulation of the banking industry to letting the mentally ill run their psych wards on his program on Monday. King pressed conservative columnist ...

Larry King to Michael Moore: 'You are Our #1 Propagandist'

CNN's Larry King fawned over Michael Moore during an hour-long interview on his program on Wednesday, calling the leftist's latest feature "a brilliant documentary," and went on to label the ...

Media Embrace Millionaire Moore's Vendetta against Capitalism

Like 'Sicko,' journalists gush over 'provocative' anti-Wall Street flick, leave out filmmaker's critics.

Leary: Obama 'Greatest President in History!,' Sotomayor 'Fantastic!'

Displaying a caricature of a celebrity enraptured by President Barack Obama, although apparently quite serious in the underlining attitude he conveyed in an over the top manner, on Friday's Larry ...

Edward Norton Compares 'Symbolic' Global Warming Event to Selma's 'Bloody Sunday'

Actor and 'official ambassador for Earth Hour' compares turning out lights for hour to Civil Rights event marked by brutal attacks on its participants.

Suze Orman Claims White Collar Workers are in 'Bread Lines'

Personal finance expert tells Larry King to 'look at the people' in soup lines.

CNN Parrots Dems on Republicans and Economy

Cable network promotes negative economic news; wrongly accuses GOP of avoiding the issue.

Maher Calls Christianity the Ultimate Hustle on Larry King Live

Religion-despising comedian promotes his new comedy film, calls Rick Warren pope of the super-Christies
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