6/18/2008 10:33 AM ET
ABC segment accuses lenders of preying on homeowners, giving borrowers a pass on personal responsibility.
6/3/2008 2:11 PM ET
'Good Morning America' contributor Mellody Hobson discusses opportunities for smart borrowers - particularly small businesses and students.
3/18/2008 2:24 PM ET
'Early Show's' Maggie Rodriguez proposes a 'cram session' to Treasury Secretary to figure out a Bear Stearns-like bailout for 'agencies involved.'
3/7/2008 3:24 PM ET
NBC urges federal involvement instead of personal responsibility, ignores government role in rising tuition.
3/6/2008 3:12 PM ET
Clinton advisor uses 'idiotic economic policies' as rationale to support vote most favorable to former first lady.
9/5/2007 1:57 PM ET
Bailing out a bum sector of the economy - with my money and yours - sends the message that people can do whatever they want without consequences. And that idea is how the mortgage problem started.
4/16/2007 12:43 PM ET
'In the Money' report drags several industries through the mud while pushing for more government control of student loans.