
'World News:' Banks 'Deceived' Borrowers into Overextending Themselves

ABC segment accuses lenders of preying on homeowners, giving borrowers a pass on personal responsibility.

ABC Highlights 'Glimmers of Light' in Lending Market

'Good Morning America' contributor Mellody Hobson discusses opportunities for smart borrowers - particularly small businesses and students.

CBS Reporter Suggests a 'Bailout' for Housing Crisis

'Early Show's' Maggie Rodriguez proposes a 'cram session' to Treasury Secretary to figure out a Bear Stearns-like bailout for 'agencies involved.'

'Nightly News' Takes Populist Tone on Student Loans

NBC urges federal involvement instead of personal responsibility, ignores government role in rising tuition.

Advantage for Hillary? Carville Wants Primaries, Not Caucuses Due to 'Subprime Crisis'

Clinton advisor uses 'idiotic economic policies' as rationale to support vote most favorable to former first lady.

Econ 101: The Problem with Bailouts

Bailing out a bum sector of the economy - with my money and yours - sends the message that people can do whatever they want without consequences. And that idea is how the mortgage problem started.

Student Loan Providers 'Sound Like Drug Companies,' CNN Reporter Scolds

'In the Money' report drags several industries through the mud while pushing for more government control of student loans.
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