Liberal Bias

Media Research Center

Media Bias 101: What Journalists Really Think -- and What the Public Thinks About Them

Media Bias 101: Decades of Research Showing What Journalists Think, How Journalists Vote, What the Public Thinks About the Media, and What Journalists Say About Media Bias (most recent update: May ...
Media Research Center

Jill Abramson, Ousted as Editor, Consistently Denied the New York Times's Liberal Tilt

Less than three years after she was tapped to succeed Bill Keller as Executive Editor of the New York Times, Jill Abramson was fired from that position on Wednesday. As Executive Editor, Abramson ...
Media Research Center

Early Polls of Journalists, 1962-1985

A collection of survey data from the early 1960s through the mid-1980s shows journalists consistently identified themselves as "liberal" in their ideological outlook.
Media Research Center

Exhibit 1-2: Major Newspaper Reporters

In 1982, scholars at the California State University at Los Angeles asked reporters from the fifty largest U.S. newspapers for whom they voted in 1980. In that election, Republican Ronald Reagan ...
Media Research Center

NY Times Editor Abramson Called Brusque, 'Very Unpopular,' Defenders Cry Sexism

Politico media reporter Dylan Byers stirred up media indignation with an unflattering article on Jill Abramson, the New York Times executive editor, based on anonymous Times sources who claim ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Douthat Describes How Media 'Shamed...Into Paying Attention' to Gruesome Gosnell Infanticide Case

Columnist Ross Douthat on the perils of the media attempting to "lead the conversation" on hot-button issues: "And it’s how you end up with a press corps that went all-in for the supposed 'war ...
Media Research Center

NYT Public Editor Ludicrously Claims of Most Times Reporters, 'You Wouldn’t Know Who They Voted For'

Your media bias laugh of the day: New York Times public editor Margaret Sullivan claimed "you wouldn't know who" most Times reporters voted for, on Wednesday's edition of MSNBC's Morning Joe." ...
Media Research Center

NYT Ombudsman Defends Against Liberal Bias Charges on Libya; Editor Admits Times Seen 'Tilting Liberal'

New York Times Public Editor Margaret Sullivan defended her paper from charges of liberal bias in its coverage of the Benghazi attacks, yet elicited this statement from Managing Editor Susan ...

Ominous Liberal Signs from the New York Times' New Public Editor Margaret Sullivan

Will the New York Times' new Public Editor spend her term criticizing the paper from the left? Less than a week after starting, Margaret Sullivan has already hailed the political wisdom of ...
Media Research Center

Ominous Liberal Signs From the Paper's New Public Editor Margaret Sullivan

Will the New York Times' new Public Editor spend her term criticizing the paper from the left? Less than a week after starting, Margaret Sullivan has already hailed the political wisdom of ...
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