What do journalists talk about at holiday parties? Obama's great speeches and the atrocity of Sarah Palin and Joe Lieberman, according to columnist David Brooks.
Raines' tribute to former Times colleague William Safire includes this self-description: "It always amused me that this conservative Eastern elitist was a deep-dyed populist when it came to ...
The paper's public editor criticized the Times for its lack of coverage of the juicy ACORN imbroglio, an omission that has prodded the paper into creating a new semi-position to monitor opinion ...
Craig Whitney tackles the issue of liberally biased reporters in less than concise fashion: "All this is to say that many people in modern American journalism - not all, but many - share a general ...
Managing Editor Jill Abramson talks to readers at nytimes.com and volunteers: "I'm well aware that various conservative commentators regularly and loudly denounce The Times for being 'a liberal ...
Times Magazine editor Gerald Marzorati says his magazine isn't necessarily on the left, but "reflects a place where women have professional ambition, where immigrants are welcome, and where gay ...
"In the 1950s and '60s, under Ralph McGill, The Atlanta Constitution infuriated conservative white readers with its liberal views, especially on segregation. Cynthia Tucker, the editorial page ...
NYT Executive Editor Bill Keller, out promoting a New York Times book "Obama: The Historic Journey," denies pro-Obama media bias: "...as a rule, reporters don't fall in love with candidates. They ...
The Times' list of 52 nonfiction books includes six from Times writers and no less than six from other liberal journalists, but zero from avowed conservatives.