
CBS Skips Alan Colmes' 'Cruel' Attack on Rick Santorum and His Dead Child

Nightline co-host Terry Moran on Monday condemned the "cruel" and "inaccurate" attacks liberal Fox News anchor Alan Colmes made about Rick Santorum and the "crazy" way he handled the death of his ...

Another Times Reporter Celebrates Obama's 'Oratorical Gifts'

Yet another Times reporter, Mark Landler, celebrates Obama's "oratorical gifts," but in a story on how Obama's surrogates are the ones making "striking" speeches in support of gay rights, which ...

Parker Celebrates 'Obama's Eloquent and Inspiring Rhetoric...Soaring Remarks' of 2008

In a story about Mitt Romney, reporter Ashley Parker sounds wistful over Obama's 2008 Iowa campaign oratory: "But Mr. Romney is also using the patriotic songs to try to elevate his own political ...

Now a Sports Reporter Gets Into Occupy Wall Street Act

A sportswriter goes political: "[LeBron] James sounded callous - a 1 percenter reminding the 99 percent that he was impervious to their taunts."

NBC's Gregory: Isn't GOP To Blame 'For Not Doing More to Make Government Work Better'?

On Sunday's Meet the Press, host David Gregory urged Rick Santorum to blame congressional Republicans for Washington gridlock: "...approval of Republicans in Congress, stands at 26%. That's far ...

An Indignant George Stephanopoulos Huffs to Santorum: 'How Can You Say' Obama Is Weak?

An indignant George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday demanded that Rick Santorum explain his harsh attacks on Barack Obama. After reading off a quote from the Republican presidential candidate and then ...

NBC Gives Platform to Professor Who Called Iowans 'Meth Addicts' and 'Elderly Waiting to Die'

Following correspondent Andrea Mitchell referring to Iowa as "Too white, too evangelical, too rural" on Sunday's NBC Nightly News, on Monday's Rock Center, correspondent Willie Geist spoke to ...

Fourth Runners-Up Quotes in MRC's Best of NQ Annual Awards for Year's Worst Reporting; Media Pick Ups

The fourth runners-up quotes in the MRC's "Best Notable Quotables of 2011: The Twenty-Fourth Annual Awards for the Year's Worst Reporting." In addition to discussions on numerous talk radio shows ...

CBS Scolds Gingrich: To Cut Deficit You Must Increase Taxes

In a series of reports Monday night on how Republican presidential contenders plan to reduce the deficit, Dean Reynolds pleaded to Newt Gingrich: "Absolutely no tax increases?" He noted "critics ...

60 Minutes Coddled Obama But Pounds Cantor from the Left as Gridlock-Causing Rigid Tea Party Ideologue

Three weeks after CBS's 60 Minutes delivered a friendly sit-down with President Barack Obama, the show didn't even attempt a matching approach to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. Instead, Lesley ...
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