
Nets Rush to Defend Planned Parenthood, Ignore Catholic Dispute with Obama

The Big Three networks continued their blackout on covering the controversy involving the Obama administration trying to force Catholic institutions to include coverage of abortifacients and ...

NBC Slams Komen: 'Why Did It Cut Off Funds for Critical Breast Cancer Screenings?'

Since announcing that it would no longer provide funding to Planned Parenthood on Wednesday, the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation has been subject to a vicious smear campaign by the ...

Incurious Journalist Covers Fired Immigrants, Doesn't Question Legal Status

Jennifer Medina sympathetically covers the plight of California immigrants who were fired for failing to come up with proof of legal residence, but fails to ask the obvious question: Were they in ...

NYT Sides With 'Health Provider' Planned Parenthood in 'Partisan' Komen Funding Cut-Off

Reporters Gardiner Harris and Pam Belluck claim that "Only a small percentage of Planned Parenthood's expenditures go toward abortion services." Yet the Times also admitted PP was "the nation's ...

Meet Mitt Romney, 'Unfeeling Corporate Titan'

Well, it's slightly better than "greedy titan," which is the insult Times reporters relayed in January.

ABC's Anti-Romney Highlight Reel Recycles 'Poor' Comment Three Times in Three Minutes

The journalists at Good Morning America on Thursday gave an assist to the Obama administration, helpfully creating an anti-Romney highlight reel. The David Muir segment repeated Romney's "poor" ...

CNN Hypes Planned Parenthood's Claims of 'Bullying by the Right'

Normally when a charitable foundation cuts funding to a non-profit, the story will not be widely circulated in the media. But CNN made sure to fan the flames of controversy when Planned Parenthood ...

NBC: Obama Campaign Has 'One More Item' to Add to 'Greatest Hits Reel Against Romney'

Sounding like an Obama campaign spokesman on Thursday's NBC Today, correspondent Peter Alexander touted how a recent gaffe by Mitt Romney was "not the first time...Remember that he said ...

NBC Uses Warm Weather During 'Most Unusual' Winter to Promote Global Warming

On Tuesday's NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams fretted over winter doing a "disappearing act" and proclaimed: "It was so warm today across much of the country, as you know, they're calling it ...

CBS Tags Pro-Life Moderate GOPer 'Conservative,' No Label for Dem

The absurd media double standard in labeling Republicans as conservative while omitting the liberal label for Democrats was on display again Wednesday on the CBS Evening News.
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