
DeMint: Ben Nelson, Joe Lieberman Caucusing with GOP for Control of Senate 'Possible'

U.S. Senator tells CNBC's 'The Kudlow Report' viewers Nelson will have to switch parties to win re-election and Lieberman may be 'more comfortable' with Republicans.

Media Pave the Way for Next President to 'Cap' U.S. Energy Use

'Cap-and-trade' scheme would raise energy prices, cost jobs and reduce each household income by thousands each year.

Boxer: 'Recession' is 'Precisely' the Right Time for Economic Upheaval of Cap-and-Trade

California senator claims expensive legislation needed to avert war caused by global warming.

Hurricane Lieberman-Warner

Global Warming Vote on Snowy Day in Washington

Senate committee debates expensive climate change bill as two inches of snow blanket D.C.

Holy Squish! Lieberman Goes Soft

Veep Pick Hailed for Orthodox Morals Ignored By Networks When He Becomes Farrakhan-Praising Pol
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