
Student Loan Providers 'Sound Like Drug Companies,' CNN Reporter Scolds

'In the Money' report drags several industries through the mud while pushing for more government control of student loans.

Subprime Reporting

Networks blame lenders, not borrowers for foreclosure 'epidemic.'

Foreclosures Up: ABC, CBS Blame Lenders

But NBC mentions people are responsible for overly risky borrowing too.

CNN Blames Lenders For 'Credit Crisis'

'In the Money' provides uncritical platform for documentary director to bash the credit industry.

Networks Hype Credit Companies Abuse

Evening newscasts use 'horror stories' but leave out personal responsibility.

'What Goes Up Must Come Down' on CNN's 'In the Money'

Housing numbers boost economy fear factor after up-and-down week on Wall Street.

Stories Lament Twentysomethings 'Forced' to Live with Parents

Media depict young adults struggling with debt but talk little about poor choices that got them there.

Up in ARMs over Mortgages

BusinessWeek attacks banking and mortgage industries over adjustable rates, while network news warns consumers to pay attention to their loans.
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