
Media Research Center

Networks Focus on Romney “Gaffes” in 86% of Coverage of Trip Abroad

The Media Research Center has released a new analysis of the 21 ABC, CBS and NBC evening news stories about Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's trip to London, Israel and Poland ...
Media Research Center

Networks That Fawned Over Obama's World Tour Mock Romney's International 'Blunders'

MRC analysts examined all 21 ABC, CBS and NBC evening news stories about Republican candidate Mitt Romney's trip to London, Israel and Poland between July 25 and July 31. Virtually all of ...
Media Research Center

NYT Mag Writer Delights in 'Dizzy Exuberance' of London Rioters: Promotes Socialism, Annoying Subway Riders

And you thought it was just an office building! Novelist and socialist China Mieville writes the lead article in the London issue of the New York Times Sunday magazine: "The question is whether ...
Media Research Center

Alan Cowell the Anti-Capitalist Sees Still More 'Greed' in His New York Times Reporting

London-based Alan Cowell on "runaway capitalist greed": "Moving after midnight, bailiffs supported by police officers dismantled a tent encampment outside St. Paul's Cathedral here early ...

Ugh: NYT Celebrates Fashion Sense of March Rioters in London

The Times asks of the March riots in London protesting reductions in government education spending: "What do you wear when protest and mayhem rock your world?"

London Reporter Suggests 'Cuts in Spending and Services' by Conservatives Led to Riots

Reporter Ravi Somaiya quickly got to the root of the London riots: "Economic malaise and cuts in spending and services instituted by the Conservative-led government have been recurring flashpoints ...

Newt on G20 Protests: 'The Media is Always Happy to Cover the Anarchic and Violent Left'

Former House Speaker criticizes press for giving more attention to London G20 protests and ignoring bigger taxpayer tea party protests.

CACI's London Makes Strong Defense of 'Good Name'

Account from technology firm shows businesses can take a stand against bad reporting and flourish.

Reuters: Global Warming Impact Like 'Nuclear War'

London-based think tank predicts extreme Armageddon-like conditions from global warming.

Times Reporter Accuses British Press of Portraying Pakistanis as "Pack of Terrorists"

Times journalist Jane Perlez goes after journalists - from the left: "As her country hovers on the precipice of chaos, Ms. Lodhi, the high commissioner of Pakistan in Britain, holds down the fort ...
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