
Maddow: People Not Smart Enough to Know 400 Percent Interest is Bad, Therefore Federal Gov't Needed

MSNBC host makes argument against payday lenders but suggests only government can prevent people from entering in unfair deals.

MSNBC's Maddow, Penn. Gov. Rendell Complain Media Giving Tea Party Too Much Coverage

Liberal host and Dem. politician argue the 'mainstream media' have made tea party movement more of a force than warranted.

The 5 Craziest Attacks on Tea Parties

From Homophobic Slurs to Nazis, left and media love to hate.

Maddow Invents New Terms to Degrade Conservatives: GOP-Baggers, Tea-Publicans

MSNBC host vents about Rep. Parker Griffith's move to the Republican Party in attack on the tea party movement.

Maddow Complains Labeling Hasan 'Terrorist' Would 'Paint the Democrats as Soft on Terror'

MSNBC host insists terrorism classification is an effort to 'play that politicizing terrorism, anti-Democratic greatest hit.'

MSNBC Goes Into Astroturf Mode: Advocates Using Free Clinics to 'Shame' Senators

Olbermann, Maddow exploit poor people to target Democratic senators reluctant to support a public option.

Krugman Says Federal Government Didn't Go Far Enough in Exploiting Financial Crisis

N.Y. Times columnist and Nobel winner laments that administration let a crisis go to waste in not nationalizing more of the economy.

Rachel Maddow and WSJ Columnist Paint Tea Party Revelers as Secessionists

Thomas Frank laughs at FOX News for 'embracing' tea parties' 'lunatic fringe.'

MSNBC: The Place for Low-Brow 'Teabag' Humor

Network's primetime shows repeatedly use sexual slang to refer to taxpayer tea party protests.

Krugman: Obama-Inspired Positive Polling Data Not Enough for Economy

Liberal NYT columnist tells MSNBC's Maddow public sentiment doesn't compensate for underlying problems.
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