
The New York Times Laments Disappearance of Moderate Republicans (Again, and Again)

The Times rehashes a lament that goes back at least 14 years: "The few remaining Republican centrists in the Senate were eagerly awaiting the arrival of Michael N. Castle of Delaware, a longtime ...

Sawyer Champions 'Super-Cop' Regulator as 'Gladiator' Against Health Insurance Industry

ABC anchor Diane Sawyer, who in February demanded to know who will "keep insurance companies from jacking up premiums while making huge profits?", on Friday found her champion in the ...

Time Sees 'Silver Lining' in Gay Marriage Loss in Maine

Not to worry. For marriage traditionalists, resistance is futile.

AP Laments Maine Marriage Victory

Article focused on gay and lesbian reaction to outcome, but unlike nets, at least did the story.

Silent Spring for Networks on Recent Same-Sex Marriage Decisions

Nightly news programs fail to cover liberal definitions of marriage.

Maine Senators Who Helped Obama "No Ordinary Republicans"

The Times' timely fawning over the two Republican senators from Maine who are helping make Democrats' big-spending dreams come true.

'Evening News' Blasts Flame-Retardant Materials

CBS report parrots cause of liberal Maine legislator but downplays the benefits, such as lives saved by chemicals.

Maine, "The Whitest State"

Reporter Abby Goodnough collects scattered anecdotes of racial bias to paint a long, unflattering picture of an entire state.

Mainers and No-Brainers

The lesson from the anything-goes crowd is so illogical it borders on the obscene. In order to protect the youth from unsavory sexual messages, we should provide them with all the technology so ...

'Middle School Kids are Having Sex!'

Rather than a call for contraception, shouldn't that be a wakeup call to our culture?
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