
Morning Joe Crew: GOP House Vote to Repeal ObamaCare Is a Meaningless 'Waste of Time'

Monday's "Morning Joe" panel on MSNBC mocked the House Republicans' plan to vote to repeal President Obama's health care legislation in full. "Waste of time" and "meaningless legislative exercise" ...

NBC's Todd Frets Obama's Effort to 'Tackle' Nation's Problems Allowed Enemies to Defame Him as Muslim

Chuck Todd despaired that Obama's focus on his job had left him vulnerable to abuse: "During the campaign, Team Obama repeatedly refuted these charges with a special Web site they created called ...

Nets Highlight Obama's Hug at Health Forum; CNN: 'Bold Display of Presidential Concern'

Network reporters swooned over President Barack Obama hugging a woman, who has cancer and lacks insurance, at his Wednesday "town hall" on health care, as both CNN - where Suzanne Malveaux ...
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