
Uncritical Condition

Network news fails to examine high cost and proven failures of government-run health care

Despite GOP Sweep, Liberals Make Tax, Spending Decisions in Lame Duck Session

Mountain of legislation awaits Congress; taxes, unemployment, Medicare and more may be addressed.

CNN's Chetry Worried Public is Taking Steps Backward on Global Warming

American Morning host interviews explorer attempting to draw attention to global warming and expresses concern over an increasingly skeptical public.

Blue Tube

Four Reasons to Keep Your Children Away From YouTube This Summer

The Great Newspaper Bailout

Liberals, politicians, journalists want Uncle Sam to save news with your tax dollars

A Study in Character Assassination: How the TV Networks Have Portrayed Sarah Palin as Dunce or Demon

An analysis of two weeks of coverage of the GOP vice presidential nominee reveals unremitting hostility from the network news.

Unmasking the Myths Behind the Fairness Doctrine

I do not agree with what you have to say, but Ill defend to the death your right to say it. - Voltaire

Down a Dark Abby

The Culture and Media Institutes analysis of Dear Abbys 2007 columns reveals that the worlds leading advice columnist cannot be trusted to promote traditional sexual morality but she can be ...

The Great Media Depression

News reports depict economy far worse now than during the 1929 stock market crash

Crude Coverage

Media ignore OPECs control of oil market when covering Americas pain at the pump.
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