
Media Research Center

New York Times Hypes 'Several Tens of Thousands of Immigrants' in DC Rally, Escaping the 'Shadows'

The Times uses odd phrasing to hype the crowd figure for a rally for illegal immigrants in Washington as "several tens of thousands of immigrants," while an editorial headline captures the paper's ...

'Mad Money' Jim Cramer Blasts Times Reporter for Natural Gas 'Hit Pieces'

CNBC host and natural gas CEO criticize New York Times' Ian Urbina for series of attacks on the industry.

Rising Gas Prices Linked to Obama Drilling Ban in Just 1% of Evening News Stories

Since BP spill, anti-oil policy has been cited in only 3 network gasoline price reports.

No Nukes: How Three Mile Island was Disaster for Media Credibility

More than 30 years later, nuclear accident shows how media hype can make a bad situation far worse.

Unemployment Below 9 Percent 'Bolsters Recovery Hopes' in 2011, But Little 'Consolation' in 1983

New York Times very downbeat in Reagan's day, despite much bigger monthly drop in jobless rate than February 2011.

Speak No Evil: Networks Obscure Deadly Extremism of Muslim Brotherhood

Contradictory reports hide substance of powerful Egyptian Islamist group.

Uncritical Condition

Network news fails to examine high cost and proven failures of government-run health care

Fire and Ice

Journalists have warned of climate change for 100 years, but cant decide weather we face an ice age or warming

Times Again Hails Grand Total of Four Illegal Immigrant Marchers

Back in January, a four-student march from Miami to Washington on behalf of illegals somehow merited a 780-word Times article. By contrast, a massive anti-Obama rally that attracted over 100,000 ...

Networks Flip Flop on Jobs

Identical Unemployment Numbers Good News for Obama, But All Bad under Reagan.
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