
CNN's Rick Sanchez Not Sure Who's Protesting at Annual Pro-Life March in D.C.

Anchor appears confused about who would attend the March for Life. Omits 'Pro-Life' Groups' Connections to Democrats

Author Sarah Kliff says liberal groups represent a 'split' in pro-life movement.

The Times Ignores March for Life for Second Year Running

A few dozen left-wing activists protesting Rev. Rick Warren were worthy of a Times story plus a large photo. But when tens of thousands marched in D.C. at the pro-life March for Life, they were ...

Brother of Terri Schiavo Warns Pro-Life Activists about 'Secular Media'

Bobby Schindler uses MSNBC's Keith Olbermann as example.

Times Totally Ignores Annual March for Life Wednesday

By contrast, the Washington Post makes room for a solid story on Page 3.

PBS Scoops ABC, NBC, CBS – Notices Thousands of Protesters Filling D.C. Streets

Only Jim Lehrer's NewsHour mentions the 35th Anniversary March for Life.

Double Standards: Ideological Rifts in GOP, but None Among Dems?

The Times sees conservative ideological battles for the GOP presidential nomination in 2008, while Democrats are rated mostly on competence and experience.
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