Margaret Carlson

Media Research Center

Margaret Carlson: 'Bush's Lies' Should 'Keep Him Awake,' But 'Haunt the Country' Instead

On the Friday, September 6, Political Capital show on Bloomberg News, Bloomberg View columnist Margaret Carlson -- formerly of CNN and Time magazine -- blamed former President George W. Bush's ...
Media Research Center

Margaret Carlson: GOP Against 'Giving Dignity to Immigrants'

Appearing on Friday's Political Capital show on Bloomberg News, Bloomberg View columnist Margaret Carlson -- formerly of CNN and Time magazine -- charged that Republicans are opposed to "giving ...
Media Research Center

The Hill’s Cusack Recognizes Media Failure on Benghazi; Carlson Blames Right Wing Media

Asked on Sunday’s Reliable Sources if the wider media dismissed the Weekly Standard story, by Stephen Hayes about the Benghazi talking points getting altered to take out any references to ...
Media Research Center

Bloomberg's Carlson Predicts GOP 'Squeals' When Obama Makes Sequester Cuts 'Hurt'

Appearing on Friday's Andrea Mitchell Reports on MSNBC to discuss the upcoming budget sequestration, Bloomberg View columnist Margaret Carlson touted President Obama's ability "to manipulate ...
Media Research Center

The MRC@25: The Worst Media Bias of 2001

Today, the worst bias of 2001, including shocking displays of moral equivalence after 9/11 and Dan Rather’s salute to Bill Clinton’s honesty.
Media Research Center

Margaret Carlson: Romney 'Wanted the Boos' from NAACP, 'So Proud of Them'

Appearing as a panel member on Friday's Inside Washington on PBS, Bloomberg View's Margaret Carlson - formerly of Time magazine - asserted that Mitt Rommey "wanted the boos" he received as he ...
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