
Media Research Center

CBS Puffs Legalized Pot in Colorado, Touts the Best Marijuana: 'Ghost Train Haze'

CBS This Morning journalist Barry Petersen on Monday offered a puff piece on legalized pot in Colorado, displaying no skepticism about health effects. Instead, he happily explained that "more than ...
Media Research Center

Reefer Madness: Only 3 Percent of Pot Stories Mention Health Risks

As stoners call for education, networks leave users high (and dry). 
Media Research Center

CNN Laments Medical Marijuana's Illegality: 'Can't A Stroke of the Pen Change This Problem?'

CNN's John Berman bemoaned how medical marijuana is still illegal in many jurisdictions on Friday's This Hour, and hinted that executive action needed be taken to fix this situation. After noting ...
Media Research Center

After Hyping Colorado's 'Marijuana Munchies,' CBS Belatedly Discovers 'Contaminated' Pot

Weeks after the journalists at CBS This Morning hyped the "cannabis capitalism" taking hold in Colorado, the network has come to the belated realization that pot can be "contaminated." The state ...
Media Research Center

CBS Touts 'Cannabis Capitalism' and 'Pot Tours' That Cure the 'Marijuana Munchies'

The journalists at CBS This Morning on Friday appeared excited over the legalization of marijuana in Colorado, hyping the "cannabis capitalism" in the state and a new "pot tour" business that has ...
Media Research Center

CNN Hypes Legal Marijuana In Colorado; 'Amazing Experience to Witness'

As Colorado stores began legally selling marijuana to customers on Wednesday, CNN hyped the opening as "history being made" and an "amazing experience to be a part of and to witness." New Day ...
Media Research Center

ABC Hypes 'Historic' Pot 'Revolution' in Colorado: 'From the Underground to the Mainstream'

New Years seemed like a good time for ABC to push the marijuana "revolution" taking place in Colorado. World News reporter Clayton Sandell on Wednesday featured an almost entirely positive story, ...
Media Research Center

Maher to Businessweek: I Dealt Pot to Fund College

Comic calls Obama ‘pothead.’
Media Research Center

Fareed Zakaria Cheers Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage, Marijuana

CNN's Fareed Zakaria cheered the states that legalized same-sex marriage and marijuana last Tuesday, on his Sunday CNN show, lauding it "a picture of America at its best, edgy, ...
Media Research Center

Times Provides More Space for Controversial Comedian Bill Maher, This Time in Support of Drug Legalization

Left-wing Bill Maher gets more valuable Times space, this time in the Sunday Book Review: "The drug war, just like the war on terror, created jobs and budgets, and the beneficiaries don’t want ...
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